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Your nursing placement with Swinburne Online

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Nurse on online consultation

Swinburne Online’s Diploma of Nursing comes with many benefits for online students. Just one of these is the flexibility to learn digitally at your convenience, and then apply your learned medical knowledge in a professional setting. Achieving that practical excellence comes through your clinical placements.

Experiencing the atmosphere of your future workplace is instrumental in helping cement your course knowledge. We recently spoke to James, who is studying his Diploma of Nursing and has come back from his first clinical placement. Here’s what he had to say about his experience so far.

Switching roles

James has always wanted to work in the healthcare industry, but wasn’t sure how he’d get back into study after 12 years of working in a different industry. Currently James works in sales, so it’s no surprise that the decision to take the plunge into nursing took some time to decide.

“I chose Swinburne Online as the Diploma of Nursing was most appealing to me. It fits around my lifestyle and work commitments.”

Even though he hadn’t worked in healthcare before, James’ passion for health advocacy has always been evident through his interests. He’s even been volunteering with Ambulance Victoria for over a year and a half now. Ready to pursue his passion further, James enrolled for his Diploma of Nursing.

Life of an online student

Although his studies have mainly taken place online, the most enjoyable aspect for James has been meeting his peers and mentors who share similar interests and a passion for nursing and healthcare.

“I’ve really enjoyed meeting my classmates. It was refreshing to meet likeminded people who recognise the value that comes from nursing.”

Simulation labs are another way students are given the opportunity to consolidate their knowledge. By facing a week of on-campus simulations of events he may experience in a hospital setting, James was able to prepare himself for his first clinical placement.

“The Sim Lab week was great! It was really helpful in consolidating everything I’ve learned online so far.”

Clinical placements

“The facility was amazing, and the staff were happy to help. The nurses even took the time to show us procedures we hadn’t learnt yet.”

Throughout your Diploma of Nursing you will be required to complete 400 hours of supervised clinical placement. This will be instrumental in properly transferring your learned knowledge to your practical skillset and preparing you for your role as a nurse. For James, this has been the highlight of his course so far. The transition from theoretical to physical meant long nights of cramming and studying had finally started paying off.

“I was surprised at how much information I actually retained. I found I was able to answer questions that I didn’t even realise I knew.”

Are you looking to follow your passion like James and make the move towards a career in nursing? Check out the Diploma of Nursing or book an appointment with a Course Consultant to start your own study journey today.