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Gaining a diploma with workplace support

Young female designer in meeting with her colleagues

Thinking of pursuing further study, but unsure how it would fit around your full-time job? Senior Community Relations Advisor, Nicole, found that the key to completing a higher education course was to gain support from her workplace.

The mother of three commenced her Diploma of Business with Swinburne Online to further develop her leadership and management skills, with the aim of securing a promotion.

“My children had all finished high school and I thought it was time to go back to study. I had always wanted to complete a university course, but never had the time or knew the best approach to take,” says Nicole.

After discussing her professional goals with her manager, Nicole began to research her study options—with flexibility being her number one priority. Nicole and her employer, Western Water, agreed on Swinburne Online and set the terms of her study within her professional development plan. Their assistance included subsiding the cost of the course and allocating her study time during work hours.

Being able to complete the diploma online was really beneficial because it allowed me to study at my own pace and when I had time between work and personal commitments.

The course covered a range of subject areas providing Nicole with greater scope and understanding of a variety of factors that affect businesses and their decision making.

“I loved getting an insight into different areas of business, such as human resource management and project management work.”

Nicole achieved her original goal, securing a promotion at work following completion of her diploma. Having benefited from the flexibility of Swinburne Online, Nicole is open to completing another course to further her career ambitions.

Learn more about how you can balance full-time work with a diploma through Swinburne Online. Contact one of our Course Consultants today on 1300 069 765.