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Marketing diploma helps mum of two return to work

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With two young children VET graduate Brooke knew that juggling study and parenting would be a challenge. With support from her trainers and some self determination she successfully completed her marketing diploma and took the next step towards her ideal career.

Why did you decide to study?

I had always thought about a career in marketing but never had the time to study. After becoming a mother I found I was more certain of what I wanted and how to achieve it, so once I knew marketing was the answer I simply had to start the process. For me, that meant getting a qualification to help me enter the workforce again after being at home raising my children.

What has been the highlight of studying your course?

Definitely receiving my results and reading the comments from the trainer. I could feel the person behind the comments was there for me and was on my side. It gave me the courage to submit my assessments with my own spin or with my own opinion because I knew this real world approach would be accepted. It allowed me to explore the topics deeper and include my own research.

How was Swinburne Online helpful to you in completing your course?

The layout of each unit makes it more achievable. You can tackle one module at a time, reading through the content then answering the questions at the end to help cement your understanding of the topic.

What strategies helped you to be a successful online learner?

Having two young kids and working nights meant that I needed to manage my time appropriately and consistently to ensure study became a part of my routine. It was hard at first but I just kept at it and eventually study was a welcomed breather for me. I would wake up two hours before the kids and spend most of the night studying. It did mean I lost sleep but it was easy to continue on when I started seeing the results. And like everything, I just reminded myself it’s not forever and is a good challenge.

What advice do you have for other students?

Don’t be afraid or intimidated by online study. It’s easy to think that people who study are smart and find it easy. It’s not, they are just courageous enough to change their mindset and adjust it to fit their lifestyle. You’ll find the discipline to make it work if you want it enough.