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Why postgraduate study with Swinburne Online is right for you

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Young psychology student studying online with laptop

Postgraduate study is often something that sits on everyone’s to-do list for a number of years before it inevitably moves to the ‘too hard’ basket. Many pass up the opportunity to upskill and advance in their career with excuses such as ‘having no time for study’ or ‘not living near a campus’.

Balancing a whole degree with your already busy life may seem quite daunting at first, with many things to consider before you enrol. Luckily, studying with Swinburne Online will break down these barriers for you. We have compiled our best reasons why undertaking postgraduate study online is right for you.

No need to put your life on hold

It is very rare that you would have the opportunity to put full-time work on pause while you study. That’s why, with Swinburne Online, you don’t have to! With online study, you can work on excelling in your chosen career and increasing your earning potential without interrupting your already busy schedule.

Our flexibility allows you to maintain a healthy work-life-study balance by allowing you to set aside time that suits you best to complete your weekly coursework. You can focus on developing your skills and knowledge without missing important family or work events ever again.

Study from anywhere, at any time

Studying online brings the classroom to you, which means that you aren’t tied to a specific campus with compulsory, in-person classes. Instead, you are able to access your individual units and study groups, and complete our specially designed learning modules in a way that suits you. And with 24/7 access to your online classroom, you can start learning whenever a free moment arises.

This flexibility will not only free up your time during the week, but also means you can study on the go. Have a long commute into the office? Waiting to pick up your kids? On a family holiday? If you’ve got an internet connection, you can get studying!

Online but never alone

At Swinburne Online, we ensure that you always feel connected during your studies. With extended hours of support from your Student Advisors and eLearning Advisors, you will always have access to the help you need, when you need it.

Online study is also a fantastic networking opportunity, connecting you with industry experts who will provide you with the highest teaching quality alongside our specialised learning modules. You will also work alongside fellow students from many different walks of life and anywhere across the globe, giving you great relationships and experience as you progress your career.

With Swinburne Online’s flexibility and support, there’s no room for excuses anymore when it comes to upskilling and advancing in your career. If you think online study is right for you, view our range of courses, call one of our Course Consultants on 1300 069 765, or apply now.