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The Travelling Student

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Travelling student, Avonlea looking at hot air balloons

One of the best things about studying online is that you are not bound by location. With everything done remotely, you are free to roam the globe without having to put your study on hold. As long as you have a Wi-Fi connection and a laptop or tablet, you can fit your study into your adventures, not the other way around.

We have a number of jet-setting students and alumni who are living overseas while studying online, and below we introduce you to three of them.

Avonlea: Italy

While studying a Bachelor of Communications, Avonlea (pictured above) moved to Italy to be with her boyfriend. Having chosen the course for its flexibility and credibility, Avonlea lived in Italy for two years whilst completing her degree.

“I really enjoyed the course and would recommend online learning to anyone. The best things about the course were the convenience, flexibility, and accessibility to resources and teachers,” says Avonlea.

Now settled back in Australia, Avonlea is working for a fresh fruit and vegetable supplier as a Marketing Coordinator.

Robert: Canada

By studying online, Robert found a way to ensure that study would never get in the way of any ski trips to his chalet in Vermont, USA.

Born and bred in Sydney, Robert moved to Toronto, Canada six years ago. Working in the Financial Services sector, Robert was keen to pursue further study, but needed a credible course that he could study entirely online.

“I am in my 30s and find real life and professional experience have complemented study in ways that provide a richer learning experience – that wouldn’t have been possible had I studied straight out of high school.

No matter what subject I am taking at the time, there is always some way to apply what I am learning at work,” says Robert.

The father of a one-year-old daughter, Robert can work full time while he finishes off his Bachelor of Business degree, and he hopes to branch out into smaller scale operations or even a Master’s degree once he has graduated.

Daniella: UK

In the middle of studying a degree at RMIT, Daniella decided to move back to her native UK, however she found herself unsure of what to do about university.

“I wanted to return to the UK for several reasons – family, accessibility to Europe, a change. As I hadn’t lived in the UK for so many years, I was classified as an International Student and the fees were too expensive. Additionally, it would be difficult to get recognition for the Australian university units I had already studied,” says Daniella.

When she found out that she would be able to gain credits by studying at Swinburne Online, she jumped at the chance to continue studying with an Australian university.

“One of the big advantages was that I could study at times that suited me best; this meant I was more flexible for work which ultimately enabled me to secure employment before I graduated” says Daniella.

Daniella is still living in London and is working in PR and Communications.

If you are considering going back to study but have grand travel plans, why not consider online study? Chat to one of our support staff today.