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Taking the next step: Alice Springs to Bright

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Born in Victoria, Rebecca moved to Alice Springs in the Northern Territory at a young age. After a 10 year stint in Adelaide later in life, Bec moved back to The Alice and is now ready to embark on her next big move to Bright in regional Victoria.

On top of all this state hopping, Bec manages to raise her four-year-old son, work full time, volunteer as the Chair of the Alice Springs Women’s Shelter, and study her Graduate Certificate of Business Administration through Swinburne Online.

Striving for social change

Bec has always had an interest in helping the wider community and has been striving for social change through her work with Desert Knowledge Australia. In her role as Program Manager, Bec assists the social and economic development of the region by creating leadership programs for local adults and youth groups.

As her professional interests shifted to organisational strategy and systems, Rebecca wanted to refine her skills and give her career clear direction.

“I was trying to think really practically: if I was to leave Alice Springs, and leave my job, how competitive would I be in a job market? I was ready to take the next step in my career, and my plan is to do the full Master of Business Administration,” says Bec.

Bec began her Graduate Certificate of Business Administration with Swinburne Online in 2017, entering the course via work experience as a way of strengthening her resume and future-proofing her career.

I really love learning and look for any opportunity to increase my knowledge and success. Swinburne Online offers a way to balance it all.

Online study in Alice Springs

Bec chose Swinburne Online for the flexibility; due to her rural location in Alice Springs and list of personal commitments, an on-campus course would not have been an option for her. What Bec did not expect, was how much she would feel part of a community, making real connections with people from across the globe.

“I get to interact and work with people from all over Australia and the world. In one of my group projects we had members in Singapore, Melbourne, Sydney and then I was in Alice Springs, so that was really interesting,” says Bec.

“In my last unit, I was actually in a group with a student who also lives in Alice Springs. We became friends and were able to have a couple of study sessions together! Online study is really fantastic for the flexibility, but I really enjoyed having someone to sit and study with face-to-face too,” she says.

Taking the next step

After choosing to take the next step in her career with online study, Bec is also taking the next step in her personal life by moving her family from Alice Springs to Bright in regional Victoria.

“We decided to move for a change of scenery. It’s exciting and daunting at the same time, but we’re just going to give it a crack!”

“We have been holidaying in Bright for a few years and we just really love it. It’s somewhere we keep getting drawn back to – it has a really fantastic sense of community,” says Bec.

Even though Bec is making a big interstate move, she is not letting this affect her study schedule. With one more unit to go, this rural superstar plans to continue on to her Master of Business Administration and work towards making a difference.

“I want to work in the social change field and add value to organisations working towards making a difference in people’s lives,” says Bec.

Find out your career potential with our Graduate Certificate of Business Administration.