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Super mum studies on the move

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Mom playing with blocks with her son

They say moving house is one of life’s most stressful events. Try driving across four states in seven days, with your 15-year-old son, all while completing two university units.

This is exactly what super mum and criminology student, Catherine Lombard did. Recently, packing up her life in Coffs Harbour and moving to Perth.

Catherine is currently studying a Bachelor of Social Science with a Major in Criminology with  Swinburne Online. We caught up with her to find out her secret to balancing it all!

Packing up and keeping up

Catherine was nearing the end of an employment contract when she decided to move to Perth.

‘I sold up everything, packed my ute and travelled 4700km, over four time zones, four states in seven days on a budget of $1000 – it was a great adventure,’ says Catherine.

‘I had to find a house, school and work while doing my two subjects on the road.  I still haven’t found work, but my son is settled and loving his new school. I have a house filled with furniture again and my studies are going well,’ she says.

Catherine’s love for people and passion for criminology helped her to stay on top of her studies in this busy time.

I want to help make the world safer in my own small way.

Super Mum

Catherine explains that being a mum motivates her to be the best version of herself. She believes that being a positive role model in her son’s life gives him the extra drive to achieve his own dreams.

‘My journey with Swinburne Online has been an exciting one so far and a motivation for my son too. Since me joining university, he has decided to change career paths from a trade in the air force to becoming a surgeon,’ Catherine says.

‘My son and I are best mates – having him drives me to be a better person and to not give up, which has helped me build up my own self-esteem,’ she says.

But what is this super mum’s secret? Catherine finds that taking things one day at a time stops her from feeling too overwhelmed­­­– an organised daily routine helps too!

‘I exercise first thing in the morning and it gets my whole mindset right for whatever lies ahead in the day. I plan monthly what needs to be done and stick as closely to that as possible every day,’ she says.

When Catherine graduates she plans on either working for an Australian Security Intelligence organisation or an Australian Embassy overseas.

If you’re interested in social science like Catherine, give one of our Course Consultants a call today to chat through your options.