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Playlists for exam preparation

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The exam period is once again well and truly upon us. You may only have one exam or even up to four this teaching period. So before you stress out or bury yourself in a pile of notes, take a moment, take a breath and plug in your headphones. We have some great playlists to get you through your upcoming exams. 

For when it’s time to study: 

Every study session needs some motivation to get it started. That is when the morning motivation playlist comes in handy. Wake up your brain with some fun, poppy tunes so you can launch yourself into your work. As fun as pop can be, it can also be very distracting

So get your study zone playlist at the ready. These ballads are catchy for sure, but also soft enough for you to comfortably focus on the task-athand. 

For your study breaks: 

Study breaks are greatly important for you to take some time out from intense productivity and give your brain a break. Listening to calming playlists such as instrumental covers or jazz relax can help you unwind from the click of a mouse (or tap of a screen).  

Worried about all of this relaxation putting you to sleep? Hit up the study break playlist, full of fun but also chilled hits to put a smile on your dial. 

For your exam day: 

We all deal with the stress of exams in different ways. Some of you may want to hit the ground running. If so, marathon motivation has the tunes for you. This playlist has everything you need in terms of a pre-exam ‘pump up’. 

Other students may prefer the complete opposite, however. If you aim to step into your exam with a clear and calm mindset, the ambient sounds from deep focus will get you there. 

For the aftermath: 

Once you walk out of the exam room, it is important to remember that there is nothing more you can do to change your results. Take some time for yourself to de-stress and celebrate the finalisation of the teaching period.

We suggest putting on some ultimate party classics to put you in the spirit.