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Humans of Swinburne Online: Mark’s Story

Swinburne Online student, Mark at his home

Mark was on a quest to get a promotion and change his life. So, he decided to go back to study to reach his goal faster and enrolled himself into a Master of Business Administration (MBA) with Swinburne Online.

Fast-forward 5 years ahead and where is Mark now? He’s thriving in his new role as Sales Manager. So, we sat down with Mark to chat about how he balanced study and work.

Goal set. Goal met.  

Mark worked in software sales for 12 years. But that wasn’t enough. He wanted to push himself, his career, and his skills even further. That’s where the thought of studying for an MBA came in to fast-track his way to a promotion.   

Flexibility was a must. I travelled a lot, so I needed something I could pick up and run with when I had the time.

Studying at Swinburne Online meant that Mark could study from anywhere. And we mean anywhere. He started his MBA while living in Brisbane, only to move to Melbourne halfway through.  

With a fully online course, it made it possible for Mark to make life moves, with no limitations on his schedule or work performance. He effortlessly fit study around his work hours, family and social gatherings. Meaning he didn’t need to compromise his life but was able to reach his study goals and climb the career ladder at the same time! 

Once a leader. Always a leader.  

Mark wasn’t ever one to shy away from responsibility and leadership. That was no different at Swinburne Online. During his time studying, he took up the mantle of mentor and was a confidant to his fellow peers. Having already been through the hoops of balancing work and study as a high-performer, it meant for his mentees he could share relatable experiences. He could also provide trusted advice to help others get back on track or ahead with their study and career goals.  

Swinburne Online offers a lot of different types of support, as through the mentoring program. I decided to take on the mentoring role because I had so much gratitude for all I had learnt.

Online study. Real-world friendships. 

Say “hello” to the dream team. Mark teamed up with fellow MBA student, Tracey Mitski. They clicked instantly. Mark’s can-do attitude was an inspiration for Tracey, and her support meant everything to him. Online studying doesn’t mean you’re ever on your own, as there are always peers who are on the same journey as you. And for Mark and Tracey, they were there for each other throughout their studies.   

I made quite a few really good friends throughout the entire MBA course.

Swinburne Online has a thriving community. You can easily talk to fellow students on your course, get involved in a study group, or receive support from one of their friendly staff.  

More than just ‘sales talk’. 

You need more than the gift of the gab to be successful in business. The MBA course equipped Mark with the skills to flourish – like leadership, communication, decision-making, and management.  

Swinburne Online has changed my life for the better and made me a much more confident person.

Mark has landed his dream job and proved himself to be a successful team leader. If there’s a problem, he solves it. If there’s an objective, he accomplishes it. You can achieve your goals, just like Mark. 

Ready for more? 

Stepping back into education can be a scary thought. Especially if you haven’t studied in a while or wondering how on earth you’ll fit study around family commitments. But our online courses mean you have the power to study your way and at your own pace.  

Elevate your career now. Apply for a Master of Business Administration (MBA).