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Humans of Swinburne Online: Chelsea’s Story

Swinburne Online student, Chelsea

If there are two things in this world Chelsea Kirk loves, it’s her children (obviously!) and business. And with Swinburne Online she could balance both. Something she never thought would be possible. So, we snuck in some time with Chelsea to have a chat about how she did it. 

The queen of busy bees   

Chelsea has always been busy. Her naturally driven personality pushes her to always go one step further. And while managing a gym was rewarding, it wasn’t quite enough for Chelsea to quench her thirst for challenge as she was eager to get more from her life. So, she decided to make a change and get a business degree to discover the world of entrepreneurial freedom.  

I’d been in the same job for over seven years… I was feeling really stagnant.  The moment I enrolled [at Swinburne Online], I was sitting in the same desk, same office.

Influencing the influencer

Chelsea is living her best life. She’s a mum of three, a social media whizz, and a Swinburne Online alumna.  

One of the unexpected benefits of Swinburne Online was that I could start my business while I was still studying.

The world of business has always been fascinating to Chelsea. It’s fast-paced, ever-evolving, and challenging. Her bachelor’s degree in business, really helped her grow in the best ways possible, from honing her copywriting skills to balancing accounts and managing projects. It’s fair to say Chelsea thrived in more ways than one.  

Ticking all the boxes 

Leadership. Tick. Management. Tick. Creative skills. Tick. Tick. Tick. Chelsea gained all the crucial skills she needed to elevate her profile as a content creator. Because building brands is so much more than just sharing a simple Instagram post – it involves strategy, planning, and creative flair.  

Chelsea needed to stay ahead of the social media game. So, she needed an online university that could help her keep up with the latest trends, develop campaigns and analyse data.  

Flexibility was one of the best things for me. I could study at any time.

Unlike traditional programs, Swinburne Online’s dynamic model gave Chelsea the edge she needed. It wasn’t just knowledge; it was empowerment. Not only did she gain foundational skills for the world of business and marketing, but also an unwavering sense of self-confidence needed to flourish. And as a result, could help other brands flourish too. 

Study fit for you 

Swinburne Online gave Chelsea the flexibility she needed to juggle her family life, studies, and brand building. She could create a schedule that suited her, so she could study her way.  

Swinburne Online understands that no student’s journey is ever the same. It’s why their team is always there to help you – no matter the question, no matter the day.  

Any time you have a question you can email them. And I found the OLAs (Online Learning Advisors) there to be super supportive.

Chelsea is one of many success stories 

Her story shows how even those with busy family lives can still find time to upskill and carve out their dream career. Studying with Swinburne Online means you only need your brain and an internet connection.  

This degree at Swinburne Online has had a massive impact on my life. It means I can do anything I want. It’s unlocked my potential.

Start your journey now. Like, right now 

Are you ready to find your true calling? Your future success is only a click away. Although you’ll be studying online, you won’t ever be alone. You’ll have 24/7 access to your online classroom and discussion boards. Swinburne Online’s student advisors are even available seven days a week! 

So, find your place at Swinburne Online and see where a Bachelor of Business could take your career.