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How To Use Tumblr

Your Tumblr Dashboard

In Tumblr, there are two main views you’ll use most of the time: your dashboard and your blog.

Your dashboard

Your dashboard is where you see all the posts from the blogs you follow, as well as suggestions for other blogs you might want to follow. You can also access your other blogs and customization options from the dashboard page.

You can also post to your blog from here, using the toolbar at the top of the page. See  Post to your blog (link) for more details about posting to your blog.

The dashboard is the default view when you’re logged in to Tumblr. Once you’re signed in, go to and you’ll see your dashboard right away.

Note that you can’t customize the way your dashboard looks. Everybody’s dashboard uses the same dark blue theme.

Your blog

Your blog is where everything you post and re-blog are collected in one place. This is what other people will see if they visit your blog.

You can find your blog by going to For example, if your username is belindaswriting, your primary blog will be located at

When you first sign up or create a new blog, you won’t have any content on your blog page. It will look very basic, and your blog’s title will be ‘Untitled’.