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How To Use Tumblr

Posting To Your Blog

You post to your blog using the toolbar on your dashboard.

1.     If you’ve got more than one blog, make sure you’ve chosen the correct blog from the blog menu at the top right of your dashboard.

2.     In the toolbar at the top of your dashboard, click the icon for the type of post you want to make. There are seven post types, depending on the main sort of content you want to include in your post:

·          Text – post a blog post consisting mainly of text. You can also include images and links.

·          Photo – post up to 10 photos. You can add a caption for each image, and for the entire post.

·          Quote – post a quote. If you want, you can attribute it to a source.

·          Link – post a link to a website. If you want, you can add a title and a caption.

·          Chat – post the transcript of a chat.

·          Audio – post an audio clip from an online source or uploaded from your computer.

·          Video – post a video from an online source or uploaded from your computer.

3.     In the popup, add a title for the post and any content you want to include, like text, images, audio or video, depending on the post type you chose. Depending on the type of content, you might need to follow the specific instructions within this window.

You can also add captions for some types of media, to make it easy for readers to know what you’re posting.

4.     In the tags field, start typing some key words that reflect the content of your post. These will help users to find your posts when they search for these words.

As you start typing, suggestions will appear, and you can either click to select a suggested tag or finish typing your own and press Enter.

You can add as many tags as you want.

5.     When you’re done, click Post to publish it right away, or click the arrow next to the Post button and choose one of the other options:

·          Post now – publish the blog post immediately.

·          Add to queue – add the blog post to a queue of posts that will be automatically posted over a period of time. You can set up the way Tumblr deals with your queued posts by clicking the gear icon at the top of your dashboard.

·          Schedule – schedule the post to be published at a specified time.

·          Save as draft – save the post as a draft that you can return to and edit later. You can find your unpublished draft posts by clicking Drafts in the right hand column of your dashboard.

·          Post privately – publish the post so that only you can see it. If you’re making a private post on a secondary blog, only users who can post to the blog will be able to see the post.

·          Preview on blog – see how the post will appear when it’s published on your blog, so that you can make changes if needed before publishing.

When you’ve made your selection, the button name will change. Click the button to finish publishing, scheduling or saving your post.