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How To Record and Share Audio On SoundCloud

Sign Up To SoundCloud

Before you can start sharing audio with SoundCloud, you need to sign up for an account. You can sign up using your email address, or you can link SoundCloud to your Facebook or Google account and sign in with the same details you use for those accounts.

To get started, open your web browser and go to Click the Sign upbutton at the top right of the page.

In the popup, choose how you want to sign in to your SoundCloud account: using your Facebook or Google account, or using your email address.

Sign up with your email address

In the signup popup, enter your email address and chosen password.

2.     If you want to receive emails from SoundCloud, select the Yes, send me email updates option.

3.     Tick the box to confirm that you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

4.     Click Sign up.

5.     On the One last step… page, enter the username you want to appear on your SoundCloud profile and the tracks you share.

If the username you choose is already taken, it will be displayed in red. Keep trying until you find a name that isn’t taken. You might like to add an underscore (_) or a number to the end of your chosen username to make it unique.

6.     In the When were you born fields, choose your date of birth.

7.     Click Get started with SoundCloud. Your account is created and you are signed in to SoundCloud.

Confirm your email

If you signed up with your email address, you need to confirm that you own the email address you signed up with before you’ll be able to upload or record any audio tracks.

Go to your email and open the email from SoundCloud. Click the Confirm my email address button. You’ll be returned to your Stream page in SoundCloud, and your email address will be confirmed.

Sign in using your Facebook account

1.     In the signup popup, click Sign in with Facebook.

2.      If you’re not logged in to Facebook in your current web browser, enter your Facebook login details and click Log in. If you’re already signed in to Facebook, you won’t need to do this step.

3.     Check that you’re happy to let SoundCloud access the listed info from your Facebook account, then click Okay.

4.     On the SoundCloud would like to post to Facebook for you page, choose Not Now if you don’t want to allow SoundCloud to post to your Facebook wall. Otherwise, use the menu in the bottom left to choose who should be able to see posts from SoundCloud (for example, Friends), then click Okay.

5.     On the One last step page, choose whether you want to receive emails from SoundCloud and tick the box to confirm that you agree with the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, then click Finish sign up.

6.     The Welcome page appears. You’re now signed in to SoundCloud.

Sign in using your Google account

1.     In the signup popup, click Sign in with Google.

2.     If you’re not logged in to Google in your current web browser, enter your Google login details and click Sign in. If you’re already signed in, you don’t need to do this step.

3.     If you see a page asking for access to your Google account, check that you’re happy to let SoundCloud access the listed info and click Accept.

4.     If you see a page asking to install SoundCloud on your Android device, click No thanks or Install, depending on whether you want to install the app. Note that you can’t record or upload audio from the SoundCloud Android app.

5.     On the One last step page, choose whether you want to receive emails from SoundCloud and tick the box to confirm that you agree with the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, then click Finish sign up.

6.     The Welcome page appears. You’re now signed in to SoundCloud.

Don’t like your username?

If you used your Facebook or Google account to sign in, your SoundCloud username will be the same (or similar) to the one you use in Facebook or Google. If you want SoundCloud to show something different on your profile and the tracks you upload, choose Settings from the gear menu at the top right of the screen and enter a different username. You might also want to change your SoundCloud page’s URL to match your new username. When you’re done, click Save changes.