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How To Create A Narrated PowerPoint Presentation

Record Your Narration

Before you start, you need to have a microphone connected to your computer. Many computers will have an internal microphone, but if you don’t have one (or if the quality isn’t good enough), you might need to plug in an external microphone.

1.     Open your PowerPoint presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint.

2.     On the SLIDE SHOW tab, click Record Slide Show.

3.     In the popup, check that both options are selected, then click Start Recording.

Your presentation starts, and you are immediately recording. The recording panel appears at the top left of the presentation.

4.     Run through your presentation as usual, narrating it as you go. Make sure you speak loudly enough for the microphone to record your voice.

5.     When you’ve finished recording audio for the first slide, click the arrow in the recording panel to continue to the next slide.

6.     Keep progressing through the rest of your slides in the same way. When you’re finished recording, click X on the recording panel.

Your recording is saved and attached to your presentation.