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Do you offer online support, or will I need to figure it all out myself?

We have a whole variety of support options available to students seven days a week, so no one is ever left feeling alone.

For students studying a degree with us, your small online class of 20-24 students is run by a dedicated online tutor (Online Learning Advisor), who will always be happy to respond to your questions. Our Student Advisors (SAs) are a team of academic/technical and administrative specialists who can be contacted seven days a week. They can help with issues from advice on assignments to problems with logging in to the Student Portal. We also have online assessment support options that will cater to a range of academic needs. To find out more about our university support options, visit the student support page on our website.

For VET students, everything you need to know to complete your diploma is housed in our unique system called Canvas. However, if you do find yourself with questions one of our VET student team are on hand.