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Common Online Study Myths

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While online study is now widely accepted and embraced, there are a few common myths that still arise from time to time – and we decided it was time to debunk some of these fallacies.

Myth 1: Studying online means studying alone

We know how important it is to feel supported when you are studying, that’s why we keep classes small, to ensure you receive constant feedback and make it easier to collaborate with your peers.

Studying online provides many opportunities to form close-knit communities with others through study groups, social networks and the virtual classroom. In fact, many of our students form lasting friendships with friends they have met through their course.

We also have Student Advisors who are happy to answer any of your questions 7

days a week. Your experience as an online student will be just as colourful and exciting as those studying on-campus and we are with you all the way to graduation and beyond.

Myth 2: I am too old for online study and no good with computers!

Swinburne Online students range in age from 17-87 years old and are proof that age is no barrier to lifelong learning!

With very basic computer skills, you can easily navigate online study, and all our students have access to our support services, online tutors and an extremely helpful student community. We also provide students with an online orientation, which goes over our online systems in detail so that you will confident once you start your units.

Myth 3: An online degree is not the same as a ‘real’ degree

Students studying with Swinburne Online receive the same qualifications as students studying on campus at Swinburne University of Technology and all of our students are welcomed as part of the Swinburne University learning community.

As a member of this community, you will have access to a number of student services such as career advice, student loans and student associations to make sure you get the most out of your time as a Swinburne Online student.