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How To Create Group Presentations With Prezi

Share Your Prezi

When your Prezi is ready to show off, you can copy a link to it and share that with other people. Anyone who follows the link will be able to view your Prezi and navigate around it.

1.    To find the link for your Prezi, click the share icon  and choose Share Prezi….

2.    Set the privacy level to Hidden

3.    Click on Copy link to save the link to your computer’s clipboard.

4.    Then Paste the link (Ctrl +V or ⌘+V) into a word document, email, instant message or social media to share it with other people. If you provide the link to others they will be able to view your Prezi but won’t be able to edit it.

5.    Submitting your Assessment: if you are required to submit a transcript along with the URL of your Prezi presentation. Paste your Prezi URL into the word document of your transcript to submit your assessment as one document in Blackboard > Assessments.

Then, all you need to do is paste the link into emails, IMs or social media to share it with other people.