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The best way to recharge between teaching periods

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Making it to the end of a teaching period can be a huge relief, especially for those who have been juggling work and personal commitments on top of study. While it is understandable that when teaching periods end, life continues, it is also very important to set aside time to unwind and then recharge for the next challenge. 

Take time for rest

It can be great to get back some time that would usually be devoted to study back in your schedule. We advise that you keep this time booked in for at least a week following the end of teaching period.  

Dedicate these planned periods to your own technique of unwinding and relaxing from study, be that getting a massage, reading a book or even watching a movie in bed. You can also take this opportunity to catch up on some sleep that you may have missed out on in the lead up to your final assignments or exams. 

Catch up on life admin

Once you have officially unwound from the flurry of readings, modules and assignments, it is a great idea to utilise your extra time by catching up on some life admin. Think of all of the things you have wanted or needed to get done during your busy study periods that you now have the chance to catch up on. 

You may need to head in for a dental check-up, wash your windows, update your phone plan or even host a long-awaited catchup with your nearest and dearest. This is your opportunity to stop putting off your potentially long to-do list and start ticking things off. 

Begin preparation for another teaching period

A week or two before you start up your studies again, it’s a great idea to get yourself back into the right mindset and motivation level. Why not start by heading out to restock all of your favourite study supplies and giving your nominated study space a nice clean and organised setup. 

Once your physical classroom is ready, head to your online classroom to check if your new units are live. Looking into the teaching period you have ahead, noting down important dates and scanning the course material you will be studying is a great way to get your mind back in the game for another successful teaching period of study. 

For more advice on what to do when you head into a new TP, have a read of preparing yourself for the first weeks of online study, or get in contact with your Student Advisors.