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Technology in an Indigenous Context Project

duration Duration: 1 Teaching Period

unit code Unit Code: COS10025

contact hours Contact Hours: Recommended 10 hours of study per week

About this unit

This unit aims to provide students with an opportunity to work on a project that will deepen their understanding of the plurality and diversity of Indigenous knowledge systems, worldviews, standpoints, and culture in relation to STEM technologies. The project will have a focus on emerging technologies and the respectful blending of Western and Indigenous knowledge systems to enhance project outcomes. Students will work collaboratively in teams and will have a staff member as a ‘facilitator’ whilst working on the project.


  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Problem requirements
  • Data reasoning
  • Professional report writing
  • Presenting
  • Indigenous history/culture
  • Indigenous STEM knowledge systems

Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO)

On successful completion of this unit students will be able to:

  • ULO1: Locate Indigenous knowledge systems and consider how they story the long history of technology, science and engineering. (K1, K2, K3, K5, S2, S3)
  • ULO2: Explain the importance of, and find opportunities to, respectfully converge Western knowledge systems with Indigenous knowledge systems (A1, A5, K4, K6,
    S2, S3)
  • ULO3: Apply relevant knowledge of emerging technologies to a project within an Indigenous context taking into consideration and acknowledging Indigenous histories,
    worldviews, standpoints, and cultures (K1, K5, K6, S1, S3)
  • ULO4: Function as an effective team member using project management tools and demonstrating professionalism and ethical behaviour (A1, A2, A7, K5, K6, S4)
  • ULO5: Communicate within teams, stakeholders using appropriate verbal, written, and technological approaches (A2, A5, A7, K6, S3, S4)
  • ULO6: Appreciate emerging technologies in a local, global and sustainable context (A1, A4, K4, K6, S2)