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Well-Being and Resilience

unit code Unit Code: EDU30004

About this unit

In this unit, students learn about pedagogical practices, particularly ways of interacting and communicating with young children which support them to develop reciprocal and respectful relationships with adults and other children. Students explore theories about children’s behaviour and the factors that influence it, as well as ways to encourage children’s engagement in learning. Students explore and reflect on their beliefs and assumptions about guiding children’s behaviour and the effects these have on teachers’ roles and interactions with children.


  • Theories of wellbeing including attachment theory
  • Emotional wellbeing and involvement scales
  • Common causes of stress in children
  • Effective communication with children of different ages
  • Resilience and development
  • Collaborating respectfully with children, families and other professionals to develop plans to support constructive behaviour in individual children
  • Impact of family, culture and community on children’s identity, behaviour and wellbeing
  • Common contemporary factors that impact on children’s wellbeing
  • Diverse theories about causes of disruptive or destructive behaviour
  • Strategies for supporting constructive behaviour
  • Setting up environments and implementing curriculum to promote positive behaviour

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