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Macro-Economic Policy

duration Duration: 1 Teaching Period

unit code Unit Code: ECO20004

contact hours Contact Hours: Recommended 10 hours of study per week

About this unit

The objectives of Macro-Economic Policy are for students to (i) understand how to evaluate macroeconomic conditions such as growth, unemployment and inflation; (ii) understand how fiscal and monetary policies can be used to influence short-run macroeconomic conditions; and (iii) understand media accounts of macroeconomic issues. ECON20004 is a useful unit for students who want to major in economics, accounting, finance, law and other business disciplines as it provides a coherent framework for considering many topical issues concerning the operation of macroeconomy in a contemporary international setting.


  • National Income
  • Monetary System
  • The Quantity Theory of Money
  • Inflation and Interest Rates
  • Unemployment and Labor Market
  • Saving and Investment
  • The International Flows of Capital and Goods
  • Exchange Rates
  • The Facts about the Business Cycle
  • The Goods Market and the IS Curve
  • The Money Market and the LM Curve
  • The Short-Run Equilibrium
  • The Mundell-Fleming Model and The Exchange Rate Regime
  • Theory of Aggregate Supply
  • Inflation, Unemployment, and the Phillips Curve
  • Stabilization Policies
  • Financial System and Financial Crisis
  • Government Debt and Budget Deficits

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