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Database Analysis and Design

duration Duration: 1 Teaching Period

unit code Unit Code: INF10002

contact hours Contact Hours: Recommended 10 hours of study per week

About this unit

Digital data is central to the modern economy. Transactions, managerial decisions and strategy development rely on data. Databases are the tool used to create, store, organise and disseminate data. This unit delivers the fundamental principles needed to effectively design and use databases. It seeks to unpack the notion of data, and introduce contemporary tools and techniques for storing, retrieving, exploiting and visualising data. Emphasis is given to understanding data modelling and design approaches, and the emerging opportunities afforded by big data, social media, data analytics and unstructured data. Both commercial and open-source database management tools are focused upon.


  • Database relations, tables, records, keys, filters, queries, parameters, forms, indexes
  • Data formats, manipulation, and exchange tools
  • Transactions and ACID
  • Entity-relationship diagrams and modelling
  • SQL
  • Data warehousing, big data and data normalisation
  • Data analytics, business intelligence, visualisations and functions
  • Semi-structured and unstructured data storage
  • Applications and examples of data and databases in organisations

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