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Business for Sustainability, Social Change and Impact

duration Duration: 1 Teaching Period

unit code Unit Code: BUS10014

contact hours Contact Hours: Recommended 10 hours of study per week

About this unit

Gain essential knowledge and skills to appreciate the critical role Australian and global businesses play in sustainability, social change and making social impact. The unit enables students to make a logical connection between business activities and their impact on the environment and society. The unit prepares students to think, plan and implement business initiatives as they relate to sustainability to ensure meaningful, positive social impact.

The overarching aim is to develop future graduates with a commitment to achieving social and planetary wellbeing guided by Indigenous knowledge and knowledge systems which are foundational to Australia’s intellectual, social and cultural capital.


  • The histories of sustainability and social impact: the rise of the Australian and global wicked problems
  • The ethics of sustainability and social impact, historical issues with the Australian global wicked problems
  • Social change and impact – the contemporary social economy and doing social ecological good
  • Social impact across sectors
  • Using local and global frameworks and tools for evaluating and measuring social impact
  • The historical and contemporary values of leadership for social change reflecting the goals of a just and reconciled nation
  • Sustainability and social impact: the role of public sector and a civil and just society to mitigate the local and global effects of climate change
  • Predicting the future of business, social change and impact.

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