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Business Consulting Project

duration Duration: 1 Teaching Period

unit code Unit Code: BUS30032

contact hours Contact Hours: Recommended 10 hours of study per week

About this unit

In this unit, you’ll work in teams on a real-life client brief. With guidance from an experienced coach, you’ll present your findings to one of our industry partners.

The unit provides an opportunity for students to apply skills and engage in a consulting project for an industry partner. Multidisciplinary teams will work on a live problem solving project from profit or not-for-profit enterprises operating in either private or public sectors. Teams will work under the guidance of a coach with project specific inputs from the industry client briefs. In the final week, teams will deliver their findings and recommendations to industry partner through an oral presentation and a written report. The unit aims at facilitating a successful transition from academic learning environment to work environment.


  • Applying discipline knowledge to a real-world context
  • Principles, overviews and discipline issues that relate to the project context
  • Interpreting and responding to project briefs
  • Team dynamics, management tools and processes
  • Communications issues and stakeholder expectations
  • Research methods
  • Critical and reflective practices
  • Documenting project developments and recommendations.

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