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New VET study model

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Studying a VET diploma with Swinburne Online provides you with a ‘try before you buy’ learning experience. We caught up with VET Learning Experience Manager Kathy Thomas, to learn about the way VET diplomas are now offered, and why this is a great change for students. Kathy’s role is to support VET students through their studies, and to help students reach their study goals.

How does the new VET model differ from the previous model?
Students complete the same number of units in the new model as they did in the previous model, so there is no change in workload. However, students now complete their first three units as an introductory course. At the end of this course, if a student is unable or chooses not to continue with the rest of the diploma, they are awarded an official qualification: A Statement on Attainment.

What is a Statement of Attainment and how can I use it?
A Statement of Attainment is a qualification that shows prospective employers that you have developed a relevant set of professional skills that can be used in the workforce. We understand that sometimes your situation can change and this can impact your ability to complete a diploma- the new model means that by completing the introductory course, you will have attained an official qualification that you can include in your resume and job applications. You can also use a Statement of Attainment as credit towards a different qualification at a later date if you choose to.

Why is this a positive change for students?
Since implementing the new VET model, 100% of our students have said they felt actively supported to complete their first unit, which helped them to establish a successful study routine to complete their introductory course.

Our online environment is fantastic for the flexibility it gives students, and studying online does not mean that you are alone! My role is to support you in your studies and to help you succeed in your course. Our Lead Trainer is also on-hand to answer assessment related questions. So rest assured, there is a support team on your study journey with you!

If you have any questions about our VET courses, Kathy possesses a wealth of knowledge and specialist advice. Please feel free to contact her to discuss your study options.