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How to maintain a healthy routine during times of disruption 

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Group of Swinburne students studying together

During times of disruption, it’s likely that your typical daily routine has been quite disrupted.

Whatever your personal situation may be, exercising and maintaining a healthy routine will help you strike a balance within your life. Especially as a student, we understand how overwhelming it all can get. Exactly how much time should you dedicate to study each week to be successful?

We’ve put together our best tips on how to find your own study pace during times of disruption and how to fit study into your everyday routine.


Write yourself a daily schedule

The key to creating a great routine is knowing what you can commit to on a daily or weekly basis. Try to make yourself a plan for each day, starting off with small wins like waking up at a reasonable time, getting dressed and eating breakfast.

As for your other daily tasks such as work, study and housework, put some time aside for each with associated goals. If you’re already studying online, or thinking about embarking on an online course, it’s important to set achievable weekly goals. These objectives will keep you motivated and help you feel accomplished with your day.

Keep up on your physical health

Try and stick to your daily schedule as best as you can when it comes to mealtimes and make sure your snacks are both filling and nutritious. It is also very important that you do your best to stay hydrated throughout the day. Always keep a water bottle with you and don’t shy away from the tea refills if you’re feeling a bit chilly. Make sure you get outside when you can, and you’ll find yourself feeling more fulfilled and energised than ever before.

Don’t forget your mental health!

Taking care of your mind during times of disruption is just as important as looking after your body. Don’t forget to allocate yourself time for breaks to do the things you enjoy. Putting aside some time in your day for self-care will keep you productive and a lot happier in the long run.

Measuring two hours:

There are things we do each day that suck up time without us even noticing. Two hours can go by in the blink of an eye. The following activities are just some of the ways we can lose the 120 minutes that could be spent getting study out of the way.

  • Binging on two concurrent episodes of House of Cards
  • Procrastinating with a casual TikTok scroll
  • Laughing your way through 24 hilarious cat videos
  • Catching up with the latest trending topics on Twitter
  • Buying three new outfits online
  • Worrying about future scenarios that will probably never eventuate.

Ring any bells? According to ABS, Australian adults spend an average of almost two hours a day watching TV, and a recent Sensis report revealed that we are spending around 1.2 hours a day on Facebook. We’re not suggesting cutting out TV or social media all together, but we can certainly minimise the time we spend passively engaging in these activities.

Breaking it down

This may seem like a lot, but spread across a week, this equals roughly two hours a day.

Now, it’s easy to watch the day race past but there are ways to make sure you fit those two hours in each day. All you have to do is eliminate your daily time wasters and set up a simple study routine.

How to set aside time for study

Now that you’ve identified your time wasters, making a weekly plan will ensure you fit in enough time to study. The tips below will get you started:

  • Make a detailed study plan at the beginning of each week
  • Try to study at the same time every day
  • Stay motivated by keeping in contact with other students
  • Set goals and reward yourself when you achieve them.

We all get stuck every now and then. But once you break down your study commitments and eliminate the time wasters in your life, it will all seem like a piece of cake!

For more study and time management tips, visit our blog today.