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How to re-enter the workforce

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Whether you took time off work to travel the world, raise a family, or focus on study, re-entering the workforce can be daunting.

But don’t worry – you can do it! To help you out, we’ve put together a few simple steps to build your confidence and strengthen your resume.

Present the best version of yourself online

Before you walk through the door for an interview, the first place a potential employer will “meet” you is online, so now is the perfect time to refresh your online presence.

An updated LinkedIn profile is a great starting point, but also ensure your personal social media profiles are squeaky clean! Your future employers will Google you before offering an interview – don’t let them find anything embarrassing.


Networking is one of the best ways to get your foot in the door and your newly refreshed social media presence is a great way to get in touch with people.

In the real world, you can attend industry events such as conferences and workshops. It’s also worth emailing old colleagues and employers to see if there are any job opportunities available through them.

Highlight your skills

When putting together your resume, don’t focus on the gaps – highlight your skills.

Create a resume that focuses on experiences, rather than the chronological order of jobs you have held. While you shouldn’t focus on the gaps in your career, it is important to be honest about why you were away from work. By being upfront, potential employers will not make incorrect assumptions about your motivations or work history.

Get the help of an expert

A recruitment agency can help guide you on how to best present yourself, which jobs might be appropriate to apply for, and just generally build your confidence going into interviews. LinkedIn is a great way to search for and connect with recruitment agents until you find one that suits you.

Upgrade your skillset

Getting a formal qualification or upgrading an existing qualification is a great way to set yourself apart from the competition. You could undertake a TAFE course, degree or postgraduate study to ensure you have the most up-to-date knowledge and skills for the industry and role you are looking for.

Work the interview

Once you do land your first interview – work it! Don’t spend too much time focusing on your time away from work, rather emphasize why you would be a stellar addition to the business.

It is also a great idea to prepare answers to common interview questions. A quick search online will give you the top questions, so you can ensure you display your skills and experience in the best light. Don’t forget, you are a blank slate with real life experiences, who is ready to work hard.