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Employment Statistics

The right direction towards a successful career

As soon as you start studying, it’s a good idea to begin mapping out your career plan based on your skills, interests and qualifications. We’ve compiled the top resources available to help steer you in the right direction towards a successful career.

Each year, the Australian Government produces employment projections by industry over a five-year period. You can stay up to date with these industries by visiting the Department of Employment.

If you want to get your hands on more specific information, SEEK provide career insight on different roles across Australia including data on average salary, employment by region and how many jobs are currently available.  Visit SEEK Learning Career Insights to find out more.

Another great resource is closer to home. As a Swinburne Online student you also have access to SwinEmploy through Swinburne University of Technology. This is an indispensable tool that offers you a range of employment services and personalised job boards.

Industry Insights

According to SEEK, over the next few years one out of every three jobs created will be for those holding a bachelor degree or higher and Graduate Careers Australia (CGA) recently reported 81.3% of Master degree graduates found employment within four months of completing their studies. It’s safe to say higher qualifications create more opportunities.

Here’s a snapshot of what to expect from the job market over the next few years.



Across Australia employment in management areas will rise by 9.5% by 2019 and require a skill level of a Bachelor degree or higher.



Close to 50,000 jobs will be created nationally in the next five years for psychologists.



By 2019, the profession will have a 13% growth in employment, meaning 25,000 more jobs will be created for accountants.



71,000 new jobs are projected to be created for Early Childhood Teachers while employment for Primary Teachers will grow over 10% within the next five years.


Graphic Designer

Demand for graphic designers and web designers has increased by 18% since 2011 and is expected to grow by 15% by 2018.


Advertising and Marketing Professional

Jobs for Marketing and Advertising Professionals will see a spike by 2019 with a 21% growth in employment.