How does online study work?
You can undertake our courses from anywhere with an internet connection, including the comfort of your own home during social isolation.
Swinburne Online takes domestic students for both degrees and TAFE diplomas from anywhere in Australia. International students are also accepted for our degrees, although some differences to their payment processes will apply.
You won’t normally have to be online at a specific time. Your course material is available for you from the beginning of each teaching period and you can work through it in the hours that suit you.
There are some live webinar sessions that run approximately once a month. These are a special opportunity for students to sign in at the same time as their tutors, normally before an assessment deadline. It gives you the chance to ask any questions relating to the assignment in real time and hear other student’s questions and thoughts. We understand that students won’t always be able to make these sessions, so they can be replayed the next day.