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Career Guide: Best Careers For The Future


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Thinking about a career change in the future? Well, you’re not alone. According to SEEK, 43 per cent of the Australian workforce are considering a career change in the next 12 months.

Career Coach and Founder of Max Coaching, Jane Lowder says that when thinking about career change “it’s important to look at future trends– which industries and work areas will grow and which will decline.”

We couldn’t agree more. So whether you’re thinking about a career change this year, planning ahead or just keeping your options open, here are ten best careers for the future, based on growing industries in Australia that you might want to keep an eye on …

Online Teacher

As more than 10,000 Swinburne Online students know – online education is definitely the way of the future. And as more students choose the flexibility of online learning, at home and abroad, there will be greater demand for online teachers. Online educators develop and deliver training programs across a wide variety of disciplines – and thanks to the flexibility the online environment affords, this is a job that can be done from anywhere!

Registered Nurses

No matter how many times we turn to Google for health advice, there is no substitute for registered nurses and health care professionals. Registered nurses play an integral role in the health care system and no amount of automation can replace the empathy, skill and knowledge they bring to patient care. Nurses are already in high demand and, with our ageing population, this will only increase.

Physical Therapists

The US Bureau of Labour Statistics has predicted Physical Therapy jobs to rise by 34% by 2024. Similar to Nurses, the demand for physical therapists – such as physiotherapists and occupational therapists – can be attributed to an ageing population. However it will also be vital in helping treat the myriad of injuries that stem from our increasing use of computers and sedentary lifestyles.

Digital and Content Marketing

Digital Marketing and Content Specialists are experts in delivering relevant online content for businesses and brands, maximising online traffic to websites and nurturing customer journeys. And while traditional marketing platforms, such as TV and billboards, still have a place in many big marketing strategies, there is no doubt marketers who adapt to digital trends are high in demand now – and will continue to be in the future.

Data analyst

The digital age has also seen a significant rise in the amount of customer data that companies capture. This data can help brands better target products and services to the right people at the right time and helps customers receive more personalised content.

And as SEEK has predicted, “making money from this huge volume of data has become critical for business success. Hence data scientists, virtual environment managers, and collective intelligence officers will be in big demand.”

App and Software Developers

From banking to dating and everything in between – there’s an app for that! With so much of what we do moving online the need for experts who can build the programs we use is higher than ever. In recent years we have seen jobs for software and app developers skyrocket – and this doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. If mathematical disciplines come easily to you, perhaps consider enrolling onto a software development course!

Information Security

Of course, as more of our lives move online there is one big concern: is our personal data safe? Experts in data and cyber security are vital in helping keep customer data safe and protecting against hacking attempts. And in a recent survey, 58% of Australian CIOs said they believe data security roles will dominate IT job growth over the next five years.

Creative industries

Not everything can be automated! And with all the benefits that technology brings there is one thing that will always remain manual and personal – creative thinking! People who are able to demonstrate their creativity in careers such as production and entrepreneurship, will stand out more than ever as more tasks become automated and brands look to get an edge on their competitors.

Product Designers

The growing need for creative thinkers also transfers to the design world. On Career FAQs, writer Vivien Luu predicts that design roles, particularly those that require a human touch will continue to rise in demand. “With emerging fields like robotics and wearable technology and industries like the energy sector poised for disruption, we’ll need product designers to design everything from driverless cars and the future of transport through to new gadgets and manufactured goods,” she says.

Alternative Energy Advisors

As stated in the Climate Council’s report Renewable Energy Jobs: Future Growth in Australia we live in “one of the sunniest and windiest countries in the world and [this] has enormous potential to transition to an economy powered increasingly by renewable energy.”

If investment in renewable energies continues to increase you can guarantee a huge rise in jobs in this area in the next decade and beyond.

Are you inspired by any of these growing industries and recommended careers for the future? Take a look at our online courses to find the best career for your future.