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Tips for overcoming inefficiency


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Work desk with laptop lamp and books

When you overcome inefficiency, you’re not only more productive – you’re also a better team member, enjoy work more and have more spare time to do the things you love. 

We have provided our best tips and strategies on how to be more efficient in your work and how to manage your time more effectively. 

Prioritise proactively  

On way to get proactive and simplify your tasks is through Stephen Covey’s system of prioritisation. 

This method places your tasks into quadrants from most important and most urgent to least important and least urgent. The idea is to spend most of your time on tasks that are important but not urgent. 

Time Management Matrix

The more time you spend on quadrant two, the less likely it will be that tasks end up becoming urgent and important. 

Start off by writing out a ‘to-do’ list which allows you to organise what tasks you need to complete and determine the importance of each task. 

Make the most of the tools at hand 

As online students, you’re constantly using technology to assist your work. The best place to start when looking for ways to improve your time management is with the online tools that we offer, from access to on-demand assignment assistance, virtual classrooms and dedicated tutors, all offer support and advice on managing time and workloads. 

Remember the more efficient you are with your time, the easier it is for you to stay focused on the task and reach your goals. 

Sand timer

How do you manage your time efficiently?  

We understand that most online students have to balance full-time work, family and other commitments. We put together some more tips and strategies to help you get the most out of your time. 

Focus on one task at a time 

Once you have your list for the day and you’ve delegated any tasks as appropriate, set yourself blocks of time to focus on a task and don’t move onto something else until you’ve finished. Methods such as the Pomodoro technique can be an effective way of helping keep your focus. 

Tomato timer

Turn off distractions 

To be more efficient you need to minimise distractions such as messages or email notifications, which can instantly affect your train of thought and your efficiency level. In fact, constant connection to emails and messages is proven to decrease our IQ! 

Plan your time 

A study time calculator can be invaluable in identifying what study load works best for your schedule when it comes to choosing what level of study you can manage and how many units you should undertake at once. 

Create your space 

It’s all about creating your own study space. Having a space set up ready for you to study can help you to maintain your motivation and provide you with a place to focus. 

Study space

Reward yourself 

It’s always important to reward yourself throughout your studies, otherwise you run the risk of burning yourself out and making it difficult to regain your concentration. After you complete a task, reward yourself with something you enjoy. This will help to break up your day. 

Get a good night’s sleep 

Pulling all-nighters while studying can be more harmful than good. Having a good night’s sleep allows your body and mind to rest and will leave you feeling refreshed for the next day. 


Following these tips and strategies will help you improve your time management and make the most out of your studies. If you want to learn more about the courses we offer, then head over to our Courses page or speak to one of our Course Consultants.